Letter to Minister Mahuta

 Wellington Cuba Friendship Writes to the Minister of Foreign Affairs       

The Wellington Cuba Friendship Society, has written to the Honorable Nanaia Mahuta   on behalf of Cuba Solidarity Aotearoa seeking her intervention in the ongoing enforcement of the illegal U.S. blockade by the New Zealand banking industry, and postal and shipping services

 The letter notes that "private citizens have ... been asked personal, unnecessary, and intrusive questions when simply trying to pay for normal consular services" and further that NZ businesses face unnecessary and counterproductive barrier to  trying to establish themselves internationally only to find they face impediments such as these, which are not experienced in other international trade arenas.

Even the Cuban Embassy faces punitive conditions enforced by major NZ banks including:

  •   Denial of the provision of a credit card.
  •  Unable to use online banking between their own accounts.
  • Holding of monies received electronically from Europe for weeks at a time, often involving amounts as small as several hundred Euros.
  •   The Embassy is required to provide information that is intrusive and unjustified, including but not limited to:

-          A detailed account of the purpose of the payment

-          Supporting documents to prove this.


read the full letter

Contact YOUR Member of Parliament and demand government action ~ are we an independent nation or simply a vassal state subservient to the US?