Seremos Como el Ché

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, Born June 14, 1928

We learned to love you
from the historical heights
where the sun of your bravery
laid siege to death
Here lies the clear,
dear transparency
of your beloved presence,
Commander Che Guevara
Your glorious and strong hand
over History it shoots
when all of Santa Clara
awakens to see you (Your glorious efforts throughout history resound like gunfire awakening Santa Clara.)
You come burning the breeze
with springtime suns
to plant the flag
with the light of your smile
Your revolutionary love
leads you to new undertaking
where they are waiting for the firmness
of your liberating arm
We will carry on
as we followed you then
and with Fidel we say to you:
"Until forever, Commander!"

¡Hasta siempre, Comandante!