Chavez Recalls First Declaration of Havana

September 2, 1960: More than one million Cubans ratify the First Declaration of Havana, which declares the support of the Cuban people for the Revolution and against U.S. imperialism. Right: Fidel Castro rips up the anti-Cuban Declaration of San José issued by the OAS

Hugo Chavez, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, highlighted the significance of the First Declaration of Havana, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.

With this Declaration, the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, responded to the aggressions of the United States and lackey nations against the newly-created social project, specified Chavez in a simultaneous television broadcast from the state of Zulia.

Approved in a mass meeting at Revolution Square, the document denounced the interventionist policy of the United States and proclaimed the right of the peoples to put an end to exploitation and build a new, united and independent America, he underlined.

Fidel’s speech that September 2, 1960, shook the world and announced a historic delivery: the birth of the Cuban Revolution, which has done a lot not only for that country but also for peoples in the region, Africa and beyond, emphasized the head of state according to a report by Prensa Latina news agency.

Likewise, he stressed the dignity and spirit of solidarity of the Cuban people, after speaking highly of the fraternal relations existing between the two countries, consolidated for over a decade now.

He said that, during the first years, the Bolivarian Revolution was practically isolated, and the only ally it had -and will continue to have- was the government of the Caribbean island, which gave us a hand and supported us from the start, asserted the head of state.

On September 2, 1960, over one million Cubans, met in a National General Assembly at the Jose Marti Revolution Square, enthusiastically approved the First Declaration of Havana, read by Fidel.

That historic statement was the virile reply to the Declaration of San Jose, agreed in Costa Rica during a meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS), in which Foreign Minister Raul Roa Garcia denounced the attacks, fallacies and manoeuvres of the United States and its allies against the Caribbean island.