Freedom for the Cuban Five right now!
An international campaign to demand the immediate release of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in US prisons is beginning on September 12 and will run until October 8, the occasion of the ninth anniversary of their imprisonment.
The Cuban Five, Antonio Guerrero, Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González and René González took up the task in the 1990's of gathering information for the Cuban government about the activities of anti-Cuban terrorist groups in Miami so as to help Cuba defend its people from the ongoing terrorist attacks launched against Cuba from the US. The Cuban government gave their findings to the FBI who, instead of stopping the criminals, arrested the five Cubans in September 1998 and accused of them of spying on the United States. They were accused of conspiracy to commit espionage and other offences. One of them, Gerardo Hernández, was also charged with conspiracy to commit murder. The alleged murder involved the deaths of four people in the February 1996 shooting down of two private airplanes, launched by a terrorist group from southern Florida, as they threatened to make another in a series of unauthorized entries into Cuban airspace after being warned repeatedly that they would be stopped.